
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Craig’s Grape Adventure is Underway!

Thanks so much for tuning into the launch of Craig’s Grape Adventure.  I am excited and hope you will come along for the ride.  Before we go too far, it may be useful to note what this gig is about.  Simply put, I love wine, I love food, and most of all I love the mind bending ecstasy of great wine paired with great food.

I am not a trained chef (although my wife is, and I have been paying close attention for the last 27 years).  I am not a trained sommelier, but have been practicing for 30 years, give or take a few days.  So with no training, and just a couple of decades of enthusiasm for food and wine, why bother with my little blog?  I intend to bring you along on my little adventure of drinking great wine, preparing mouthwatering food, and help all of us enjoy them more in the wonderful marriage of vino and victus.  In vino veritas, in victus sanitas (in wine there is truth, in food there is health).

I decided to start this blog after a recent trip to California.  During this trip, my wife and I took two weekends to hop around Napa, Sonoma, and Medocino County – and after a few wine tastings, we were literally hopping around.  One day was dedicated to cooking classes at the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone (more on that in another post).  Following the classes, I found a wonderful book in the campus store; Decanting Napa Valley The Cookbook.

Decanting Napa

This cookbook is my inspiration for Craig’s Grape Adventure.  Over the course of the next 100 wines, together we will work through the cookbook.  I will be talking about my experience of the wine, the food, and their glorious combination.  Obviously, I will not be able to share the recipes with you (the author and publisher might have a slight issue with that…but you may want to consider buying it), but as I explore, discover, create or divine recipes and pairings that do not result in copyright infringement, I will be certain to share the details.  And so we are clear, the folks at Decanting Wine Country are not sponsoring this blog (but hey, I will never turn down a few bottles of wine…hint, hint).

The other fun thing I get to do with this blog is bone up on my food photography.  I am also a photographer, but have not dedicated much time to improving my food photography skills.  As I see it, this is the perfect opportunity to combine my passions for photography, wine, and food.  If you want to see more of my photography, please visit Craig Corl Photography.

In summary, this blog is about wine and food pairing anchored by “Decanting Napa Valley The Cookbook” and supported by my other passion, photography.  With DNV as the anchor, we will also explore other recipes, wines, pairings, events, and generally anything that helps us enjoy wine and food more.

If you have comments, suggestions, or want to contribute the benefit of your experiences in food and wine, leave a comment, or send me a note at

In vino veritas.  Buen provecho.


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