
Monday, March 14, 2011

Food Photography Tips and a Preview

I have heard from a number of you with kind words about this blog.  I really appreciate it.  The other thing I hear, are great stories of why people visit the blog and how they experience it.  Some of you can’t read, and just look at the pretty pictures.  Others get to the section describing the wine, open a bottle, and then forget you left your computer on.  Many of you have been inspired to go the gym more frequently so you can enjoy more of this great food and wine.  Many of us should spend more time in the gym.  And then there are some of you who are interested in improving your food photography.

2006 Baron Herzog Chenic Blanc with smoke chiecken polenta and Pancetta

I have recently started a series of articles on my photography blog (Craig Corl Photography) to share what I have learned about food photography.  I have written three articles so far, and am sure to have at least two or three more before I wrap up the series.  Here are links to the first three articles:

Finally, I have a small backlog of wine pairings that include a 2009 Santa Cristina Pino Grigio paired with Chef Sue’s New England seafood extravaganza, and a 2006 Baron Herzog Chenin Blanc paired with smoked chicken and polenta with sautéed spinach, home made ricotta parmesan crisp and pancetta.

2009 Santa Crisitina Pino Grigio with Lobster

Come back soon for all the details on this great food and wine.  I also hope to get back to Decanting Napa Valley the Cookbook sometime this week.

In vino veritas, buen provecho.


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