
Thursday, May 12, 2011

New Blog Title Photo - Thanks John!

When I started this blog just a few short months ago, I decided to focus on three things

  1. Food
  2. Wine
  3. Food and Wine Pairing, and
  4. Food photography

I have been a photographer (in a somewhat serious way) since 2003.  Unfortunately, I had never attempted food photography.  Gratefully, my good friend and fellow photographer John (I highly recommend a visit to his site at John A Downey II Photography), let me “borrow” a photo to help get this blog up and running.  I am very appreciative of John’s support.  Until now, this photograph made by John, was the title photograph:

BZ, OP, Tiradentes, Sao Paulo-150

Just last week I realized that I had sufficiently advanced with my food photography technique that it would be a good idea to “return” John’s photo.  I spent a little time thinking about it, came up with a concept, then executed this shot:

Craig's Grape Adventure-1

Just so we are clear, this is not a fabricated shot (i.e. “photoshopped”) – what you see is what I shot with nothing more than a slight exposure correction and contrast enhancement.  It was fun, I got to play with lighting, and it is consistent with the intent of this blog.  I hope you enjoy.

In vino veritas, buen provecho.


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