
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene Wine Pairing

The first bands of rain are just now reaching the Washington DC area.  With blatant disregard for the looming threat, our little wine group plans on continuing with our August event this evening.  If you still have time to gather some friends together to welcome Irene to the East Coast, here is the format for our event you might consider as a model.

  1. We try to limit the crowd to no more than 12 people – more than that and it becomes challenging to really enjoy the wine – and it makes it difficult to golf the following morning.
  2. Each couple will be bringing a bottle of Pinot Noir and a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.
  3. Each couple will pair one of their wines with an hors d’oeuvre.
  4. As we progress through the wines, each hors d’oeuvre will be presented by its creator along with the thought process for the pairing.

We are usually treated to some very creative dishes and pairings.  I will be sure to post an update, assuming we still have power when Irene heads north to torment my daughter in NY.

Be safe, and make the best of the storm.  If you are not in the Path of Miss Irene, go ahead with a wine pairing, tune in to the weather news, pretend you are here, and enjoy some time with good friends.

In vino veritas, buen provecho.


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