
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Craig’s Grape Adventure–the eBook is Coming in Time for Christmas!


Great news friends!  I recently decided to turn “Craig’s Grape Adventure the blog” into “Craig’s Grape Adventure the book.”  And better yet, the book will be available for Christmas.  I am already well into the writing, and am closing in on 350 pages of this compelling love story.  By the time it is complete, you will be treated to at least 400 pages of action packed entertainment (listen, the kitchen is a dangerous place), intrigue and culinary drama sure to match any psychological thriller on the best seller list.

Honestly, I am very excited about this project and believe the e-book format is perfect for a book like this.  You will be able to load the book on your iPad, iPhone, laptop, or Kindle, take it to the beach or the kitchen, open a bottle of wine, and enjoy or cook – or both.

The eBook format works well because the book will always be with you, and finding the recipe is as easy as pointing to the pairing you wish to create.  And of course, the book is filled with great photography for those of you who sadly prefer to look at great food rather than eat it.  Any way you look at it, it will be a fun read.

And here is the best part – the price.  You get to name your price.  I will be accepting donations (see the button in the upper right area of the blog).  By sending a donation of your choosing, you will receive the book along with instructions on loading the book on to your favorite device (as long as it is a laptop, iPad, iPhone, or Kindle).  Easy stuff, and at a price you cannot argue.

Stay tuned for the official release.  I’m pretty sure I will not let you miss the opportunity to get your copy.

In vino veritas, buen provecho.


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