
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

eBook Count Down to Release–Craig’s Grape Adventure Loving Life with a Skillet and a Corkscrew


My generous crew of volunteer editors have completed their work.  Thanks Steve and John!  The release of Craig’s Grape Adventure – Loving Life with a Skillet and a Corkscrew is mere days away.  Between now and the end of the weekend, I will make the final edits and will release the book next week.  What the heck, let’s pick a date:  Wednesday, 9 November.

There you have it…I have set the gauntlet and I must therefore produce by next Wednesday.  I will announce the release next Wednesday, you can make your donation via the donation button at the top of the blog page, send me an e-mail at, and I will send you a link to download the book and add it to your favorite book reader (that accepts PDF such as a Kindle, iPad, or iPhone) or computer.

If you want to be the first in line and care to preorder, just send me an e-mail, and I will send you the link as soon as the book is ready to go (which may be before Wednesday!)

In vino veritas, buen provecho.


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