
Friday, April 27, 2012

A Wedding in Chicago and Chicago Street Food

This weekend Chef Sue and I are off on an adventure to Chicago.  The purpose of the visit is to attend the wedding of good friends Nora and Michael, but we plan on making it more of an adventure than just the pleasure of attending the wedding of our friends.  The first part of the adventure begins this afternoon when we board a train for Chicago.  I am a big fan of train travel as it is much more relaxing (albeit slower) than air travel...and bonus...we can sit in comfortable seats and enjoy a REAL bottle of wine and some cheese from Cowgirl Creamery.  I have traveled between DC and NY many times via train, but a 14 hour overnight trip to Chicago could be great fun - or complete torture.  I will let you know.

The second part of the adventure will be exploring street food in Chicago.  Although Chicago has all sorts of ancient and prohibitive street-food laws—food trucks, carts and, yes, even hot dog vendors are rarely seen—I am told there are still some soulful dishes being served on the city’s sidewalks if you know where to find them.  I don't yet know where to find them, but I am bringing comfortable shoes and am ready to set out on a culinary expedition.  In the event we are less successful than hoped, I am confident we will at least find some hole-in-the-wall places offering something unique.

If you know Chicago and have any recommendations, I would love to hear from you.

I will have camera in hand and promise to report on our adventure next week.

In vino veritas, buen provecho.


1 comment:

  1. What a great adventure! Hole in the walls may be more like it. You have to try an italian beef or a chicago style hot dog. Check out Al's beef, america dogs, Weiner circle or Ub dogs. There is always Ginos for some deep dish. Portillos good but has become a chain. You may also check out Billy goat tavern.
